Professional Employer Organizations: Fueling Small Business Growth
- (Bassi & McMurrer, 2013)
“The evidence on employment growth suggests that PEOs are making it possible for their clients to grow more quickly than their peers – both other small businesses as well as all companies throughout the economy. This can be attributed to a variety of PEO-related factors discussed in this study. Employees in PEO arrangements have access to a broader array of HR-related benefits and services. Yet PEO clients spend less on HR administration than similarly-sized peers, freeing up money that can be reinvested in the business…”
Professional Employer Organizations: Keeping Turnover Low and Survival High
- (Bassi & McMurrer, 2014)
“In the 2013 report, ?Professional Employer Organizations: Fueling Small Business Growth,? a comprehensive analysis of existing economic data showed that small businesses in PEO arrangements have higher growth rates than other small businesses, and small business executives who use PEOs are better able to focus their attention on the core business. In further exploring the impact of PEOs and their potential to help small businesses better meet the challenges of today’s demanding economic conditions, this follow-up study examines employee turnover and business survival rates for businesses using PEOs and compares them to national data available from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)…”
An Economic Analysis: The PEO Industry Footprint
- (Bassi & McMurrer, 2015)
“Our previous research on a variety of measures has found that this arrangement yields significant benefits to PEO clients, as they grow more quickly than comparable other businesses, doing so with lower rates of employee turnover and higher rates of year-to-year business survival. Anecdotally, evidence points to a growing PEO industry driven by a rebounding small business sector, an increase in the use of outsourcing by small businesses, and the rise of complicated employment regulations such as the Affordable Care Act (ACA)…”
The State of the PEO Industry 2016: Markets, Value, and Trends
- (Bassi & McMurrer, 2016)
“This report on the state of the PEO industry in 2016 is the fourth in NAPEO’s series of white papers designed to help the general public and small business owners better understand the economic impact and value of the PEO industry. It explores three main topics: the market for PEO services, the value that PEOs create for their clients, and trends currently shaping the PEO industry. It uses a variety of sources, including external data (from governmental and ongovernmental sources), econometric analysis, and interviews with industry experts by the authors. It also draws on key articles, laws/regulations, surveys, and reports…”
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